The Mandalorian’s Newest Hero Has a Surprising Star Wars Legacy By John Saavedra Whatever you may think of his performances as the infamous Gungan back in the early 2000s, it is genuinely lovely to have him back in the Star Wars saga in a new way. Beq originally appeared as the host of game show Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge, but Best is, well, best known for playing Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars prequels. Alas, there is no Hayden Christensen cameo to speak of, but it is revealed that Grogu’s savior is Jedi Master Kelleran Beq (Ahmed Best), who makes a daring escape from the temple through the tunnels and airways of Coruscant. The flashback of Grogu escaping the Jedi Temple during Order 66 is full of fan service but surprisingly less dramatic than one would think considering the ineffable horrors that are happening elsewhere in the building.

“Just as we shape the Mandalorian steel, we shape ourselves,” the Armorer preaches. His rondel looks adorable on his tiny torso, but the significance of it carries serious weight. Grogu spending time with the Armorer was a welcome dynamic change and a good opportunity to further enmesh Grogu with Din and his beliefs on a spiritual level.